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Discover the Internet you never knew you needed

You control your data

Hidden from the Social Media Giants of the world

You manage your identity

Choose what personal information you share

You hold the power

With decentralized apps and storage, we're making the internet faster than ever

The Problem

Beneath the polished homepages of popular websites lie corporations eager to collect and sell your personal data.

What started as the ultimate platform for free knowledge sharing has become a greed-driven beast that preys on our privacy and freedom.

But worry not, for Pied Pypa has the answer! And it’s simple:

An autonomous peer-to-peer network equipped with distributed storage, enhanced by universal compression, accelerated allocation scheduling, and end-to-end encryption.

In simpler terms — it’s the internet, fully decentralized.
Together, we unite! Every one of our computers and phones contributes to a network, creating the most powerful supercomputer the world has ever witnessed.

Introducing PiedPypaCoin

Fueling the economy of a new, decentralized internet.
Pied Pypa's new internet is created for users, by users.
Pied Pypa's new internet is created for users, by users.

You provide the storage, computing, and networking resources that drive our entire decentralized web.

Now you can truly give credit where it's due—with compute credit!

The more device resources you share, the more PiedPypaCoin you earn.

Whether you're a developer launching an app or just an Average Joe with a smartphone, you'll be amazed at all you can do with PiedPypaCoin.
As more users join our network, it becomes more powerful and our world improves. Don't miss out, it's available now!

What You Can Do With PiedPypaCoin

As a developer

As a consumer

Data Storage

Use PiedPypaCoin to store your content across thousands of devices, ensuring fast and easy access.


Need the power to run complex app services? Use PiedPypaCoin to keep all new high-performance computing running smoothly.


Facing growing bandwidth needs? Use PiedPypaCoin for scalable solutions and load balancing.

Data Storage

Low on storage? Use PiedPypaCoin to free up space on your device while ensuring faster access to all your files.


Dealing with slowdowns on your phone? Use PiedPypaCoin to enhance your device's performance across all apps.


Fed up with long loading times? Use PiedPypaCoin to accelerate your connectivity.

As a developer

Data Storage

Adding new content? Store your data with PiedPypaCoin across thousands of devices for fast and easy access.


Need the power for complex app services? Use PiedPypaCoin to keep your high-performance computing running smoothly.


Need more bandwidth for growing demand? Use PiedPypaCoin for seamless scaling and load balancing.

As a consumer

Data Storage

Running low on storage? Use PiedPypaCoin to free up space and get faster access to all your files.


Experiencing phone slowdowns? Use PiedPypaCoin to boost performance across all your apps.


Frustrated with long loading times? Use PiedPypaCoin to enhance your connectivity speed.

Benefits of Computing in the Blockchain

Faster: Our network of computers and smartphones distributes your tasks across thousands of nodes for seamless scaling.

Cheaper: With our autonomous network, operational costs stay minimal, enabling us to provide the most affordable services available.

More Secure: Our nodes are distributed across thousands of devices, eliminating the risk of a single point of failure.

You deserve an internet that values and rewards your contributions. You deserve PypaNet.
Problem 1:

Single Points of Failure

Libraries are vulnerable to losing their collection because all of their books are contained at a single location. Say, for instance, that there was a fire, or a flood, or a vandal defaced John James Audubon’s masterpiece Birds of America by giving all the Warblers human genitalia. Even worse, if the vandal recruited bird haters from other neighborhoods and got ahold of all the copies of the book in existence, it could be lost crude doodles forever. It would be a tragedy on par with the destruction of the Library of Alexandria.

The Problem

Because Birds of America is centralized in one public location, it’s susceptible to permanent deletion. The same goes for content on the Internet — storing all your family photos on a single account in a cloud service? They could all be wiped away if someone hacked your account or corrupted the host servers.

The Solution

Our solution: In our decentralized library, we would duplicate and distribute multiple copies of Birds of America to your neighbors — if you need a copy, you would just go to your neighbor’s house. As our Pipernet town of mobile devices grows, so do the number of neighbors who might have a copy of your book. And the more potential copies there are available, the more secure the book is.

That’s what our new internet will allow you to do too: spread your personal files on devices across the world, so they’re completely safe from bad actors manipulating or deleting them.


All copies of your files in a well-known, hackable location = RISKY!

Files copied and distributed to multiple locations = SAFE!

Problem 2:

No Privacy

In order to check out books, you must have a library card — an ID that links back to your real world identity. That library card reveals all the books you’ve ever checked out, where you returned them, and whether they were returned on time.

The Problem

The tech titans collect data profiles on us too, and theirs are far more comprehensive. They amass thousands of personal data points by tracking our activities in both the online and physical worlds.

Users don’t own or control their own data, so it can be used against them. Take, for instance, Richard’s lawyer Pete Monahan, who had his probation revoked when the state retrieved his library records. Which was… probably a good idea. But for this metaphor’s purposes: bad that they can access that information!

On the web, our data profile is far more detailed, the laws around privacy even looser, and more freedoms are at stake. For example, what if Hooli sold your search data to an insurance company who then denied you coverage because you’ve HooliSearch-ed “kindest Palo Alto based Cardiologist” a few too many times?

The Solution

Replace library cards with anonymous identification cards which are impossible to connect to your real world identity. Instead of using a library card (linked to your name, address, etc.) to check out books, you would swipe a nondescript card (containing no personal details). Your activity would be tracked to keep the system stable, but your identity would not be siphoned and sold. I, for example, would no longer check out books as "Donald Dunn," but rather the nom de guerre "h3w0vbk37vpm."

That’s what our new internet will allow you to do too: use its apps and services without compromising your privacy.


Trading your identity and data for online services = RISKY!

Using services anonymously so nobody can target you = SAFE!

Problem 3:

Censorship and Manipulation

Because a town’s library is run by a small group of administrators, they could theoretically decide what books are available to its people. They could even decide to ban Birds of America, depriving young birders of Audubon’s elegant illustrations, pored over page by page under a government-issued blanket after lights out, giving you hope that even a slender-framed, shivering boy could grow to be as majestic as a Hooded Merganser.

The Problem

On the internet, multinational corporations can screen content, or even “adapt” their services to fit the local government’s requests. In both libraries and on the Web, we’re susceptible to data being censored or manipulated by intermediaries.

The Solution

A peer-to-peer lending system backed up by a fully public ledger, allowing you to send and receive books freely to anybody in the world without worrying about censorship or interference. Want to add Catcher in the Rye, Fahrenheit 451, or your controversial essay on Audubon’s coloring techniques? No problem, even if the town surrounded you with pitchforks to ban them, these vital texts would be available to share neighbor to neighbor, impossible to delete.

That’s what our new internet will allow you to do too: exchange messages and files directly with their intended receiver, disperse ideas and information free from threats of censorship.


Pushing all transactions through a central authority = OPPRESSIVE!

Establishing a peer to peer exchange system based on an immutable public ledger = FREE!

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